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Technological change and global competition are accelerating change. The skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow are increasingly centred around collaboration and continuous learning.


Obsolescence comes quickly, if companies and organisations cannot adapt to changing conditions and create a new future.


Digitisation and automation will disrupt all industries and the way to stay relevant is at the intersection of disciplines, in multi-stakeholder partnerships.


The only way to future-proof your organisation is through human-centred innovation.

What is


EXU is Tallinn University’s business innovation service. It connects public and private organisations with university researchers and students to develop long-term future proof solutions to real-life challenges.

Enterprise x University

EXU is for bold companies and organisations, looking for rigorous research and development partnerships to start large scale initiatives. We seek to commercialise the knowledge and experience of the university by shaping new products and services together with business and public institutions, in order to build an extraordinary future.

Ettevõte x Ülikool: Suurandmed / Enterprise x University: Big data

Ettevõte x Ülikool: Suurandmed / Enterprise x University: Big data

Andmeid peetakse täna vähemalt sama oluliseks ressursiks kui tööjõudu, füüsilist vara ja kapitali. Tulevikus saavad need olema üheks peamiseks ettevõtte väärtuse loojaks. Tehnoloogilisest võimekusest andmete ettevõtte kasuks töölepanekul üksi ei piisa. Suurandmed muutuvad ettevõtte varaks alles siis, kui neid osata süsteemselt analüüsida ja tõlgendada. Tallinna Ülikooli teadlased tunnevad erinevate valdkondade tulevikuvajadusi ja oskavad andmeanalüüsil tööle panna erinevad teaduslikud mudelid ja näha tervikpilti ning luua andmetest uut väärtust. Ülikool on ettevõttele kindlaim partner tulevikuteemadega tegelemisel. ENG: Today, data is considered at least as important a resource as labor, physical assets or capital. In the future, data will be the main component of value creation for businesses. But technological capabilities alone will not be sufficient to put data to work for your enterprise. Big data will become a valuable asset for a company only if it can be systematically analyzed and interpreted. Researchers at Tallinn University study the future needs of various spheres of life; they are able to apply appropriate scientific models in order to see the bigger picture and, thus, to help and create additional value through data analysis. University is the most reliable partner for the companies that try and secure future success for their business. OSATÄITJAD / CAST: Ettevõtja – Kristo Krumm Teadlane – Sten Kauber KLIPI AUTORID / AUTHORS OF THE VIDEO CLIP: Ermo Säks & Külliki Tafel-Viia
Ettevõte x Ülikool: Testimine & tootearendus / Enteprise x University: Testing & product development
Ettevõte x Ülikool: Digiprügi / Enterprise x University: Digital waste

Ettevõte x Ülikool: Digiprügi / Enterprise x University: Digital waste

Keegi ei tea täpselt, mida tulevik toob. Ainus viis tulevikku endale sobivamaks kujundada, on see ise luua. Tulevikuteemadega tegelemine eeldab tervikpildi nägemist ja teadmispõhist lähenemist. Tallinna Ülikooli teadlastel on teadmisi väga erinevates valdkondades: digitehnoloogiast loodusressursside väärindamiseni, meediast kaasaegsete valitsemispraktikateni, haridusinnovatsioonist tervisekäitumiseni, sotsiaalsest ettevõtlusest eri kultuuride tundmiseni. Lähtuvalt väljakutse iseloomust valime ettevõttega koostööks sobivaima viisi: pakume koolitust, anname väljakutse lahendada tudengimeeskondadele või teeme ühise teadus-ja arendusprojekti teadlastega. ENG: No one exactly knows what the future will hold. The only way to shape the future is to create it yourself. Dealing with the future issues requires a holistic knowledge-based approach. Researchers at Tallinn University have knowledge in a wide variety of fields: from digital technology to natural resources, from media to governance, from educational innovation to healthy lifestyle, from social entrepreneurship to cultural differences. Choosing the most suitable way of cooperation depends on the nature of the challenge your company is facing. We can offer trainings, have student teams work on the solution, or carry out a joint research and development project. PEAOSATÄITJAD / MAIN CAST: Ettevõtja – Kristo Krumm Teadlane – Katri-Liis Lepik SEMINARIL OSALEJAD / SEMINAR PARTICIPANTS: Ragnar Pääslane Sirly Väät Silja Lassur Sten Kauber Külliki Tafel-Viia KLIPI AUTORID / AUTHORS OF THE VIDEO CLIP: Ermo Säks & Külliki Tafel-Viia
Ettevõte x Ülikool: Koosloome / Enterprise x University: Co-creation

Ettevõte x Ülikool: Koosloome / Enterprise x University: Co-creation

Maailma iseloomustab määramatus ja muutused ning kindel on vaid see, et mitte miski ei ole kindel. Rohepööre, tööjõu puudus, tervisekriis jt väljakutsed, millega ettevõtted ja ühiskond silmitsi seisavad, on komplekssed. Tallinna Ülikooli teadlased teavad, kuidas keerukate probleemidega tegeleda: nad oskavad siduda erinevate valdkondade teadmisi ning näha ette erinevaid tulevikustsenaariume. Lahendused peituvad koosloomes ettevõtjate, teadlaste, avaliku sektori ja kodanike vahel. Tallinna Ülikool on neutraalne partner erinevate osapoolte kokkutoomiseks. ENG: The world around us is characterized by uncertainty and change; and what is certain is that nothing is certain. The green transition, labour shortages, health crises and many other challenges that businesses and society in general face today are complex issues. Researchers at Tallinn University know how to deal with complex problems: they can combine the knowledge of different disciplines and create various future scenarios. The solutions can best be found in co-creation between businesses, researchers, the public sector and citizens. Tallinn University can serve as an independent partner bringing together different parties. OSATÄITJAD / CAST: Ettevõtja – Kristo Krumm Konkureeriv ettevõtja – Külliki Tafel-Viia Teadlane – Katri-Liis Lepik Ametnik – Janika Leoste KLIPI AUTORID / AUTHORS OF THE VIDEO CLIP: Ermo Säks & Külliki Tafel-Viia

R&D means that we’ve identified a common goal and we can build something valuable together. It can be a new product or service based on the university’s intellectual property. Or it can be a new initiative that we tackle together. Neither is limited to commercial proposals, as the approach can be equally applied to policy issues and blue-sky research. 


Sometimes, you need science to get things really right. Testing to with tools and methods unavailable in the cupboard down the hall. Here you’ll find help, that you can apply to your business today.


Service portfolio

Our portfolio consists of services and cases. Services are tools and methods we have developed. Cases are examples of successful research and development projects in partnership with private companies and public sector organisations.










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