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Assessing the performance capacity of athletes allows for the objective analysis of physical health and training results.


Aerobic performance testing (progressive resistance tests)

Using progressive resistance testing provides information on the athletes’ general work capacity. More commonly using for endurance sports, but also useful in other application. Custom tests specific to a field of activity can be developed.
Measurements taken: aerobic threshold, anaerobic threshold, VO2 max, minute ventilation, economy, muscle efficiency, intensity levels for training, pulse rate. Tests are taken either on a running machine, stationary bike or rowing machine.


Anaerobic endurance tests

The test measures the body’s anaerobic work capacity and lactate inflection point. The test is done in a laboratory setting on a stationary bicycle. Leg muscle strength and explosive power tests
Strength and jump tests are performed on a ground reaction force platform. Tests of this kind are important to speed and speed-strength sports. The tests measure the legs’ explosive power and the power balance within the body.


Muscle power and muscle balance test

Isolated muscle groups are tested in different movements and speeds. The tests reveal the muscle power balance within the body and the power balance of antagonistic muscle groups.


Movement support function testing

The range of motion and stability based on a basic body movements is evaluated. Strengths and weaknesses of the body are determined and a range of exercises to mitigate weaknesses defined.
In addition to the above tests, other performance tests based on individual needs  can be developed, such as evaluation of the movement technique and race analysis. The tests allow for the objective evaluation of an athletes performance and capacity. It allows for the definition of limiting factors and provides information on how to overcome these. It also provides information on possible injury risks and, if repeated at regular intervals, a documented analysis of development dynamics.
Tests are suitable for competitive athletes, sports teams as well as recreational athletes wanting to gain a better overview of their own performance. For more information contact:
Indrek Rannama or 
Karmen Reinpõld

Laboratory and consulting

Sustainable lifestyle


EXU, Tallinn University

Narva maantee 25

10120 Tallinn, Estonia


EXU, Tallinna Ülikool

Narva maantee 25

10120 Tallinn, Eesti

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