As a follow up activity for a project of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Science, Tallinn University, in cooperation with teachers, is developing lesson scenarios for using digital learning
materials in secondary education to support changed teaching methods.
Using lesson scenarios changes the roles of teachers and students in learning situations, supports collaborative learning, and is generally engaging and meaningful for students.
The lector of mathematics didactics, Jüri Kurvits, says that the interactive learning material of DigiÕppeVaramu (Digital Math Resources) makes it possible to change the lesson from talking
teacher into active students.
In cooperation with teachers, Tallinn University is creating the lesson plans and instructions for integrating digital learning materials of mathematics into the teaching process and for studying the application of the process.
Contact: Kairit Tammets kairit@tlu.ee, Jüri Kurvits juri.kurvits@tlu.ee
Research & Development
Educational innovation

EXU, Tallinn University
Narva maantee 25
10120 Tallinn, Estonia