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The mobile outdoors learning research group of Tallinn University develops, from the spring of 2017 to the end of 2020, in cooperation with 6 schools, mobile outdoor learning scenarios.


These integrate different subjects and uses a complete solution of sensors, robotic devices and mobile apps for learning natural sciences.
Solving real life problems in an authentic outdoor environment supports a more comprehensive understanding of the subject, thereby increasing learning motivation. In addition to creating learning scenarios, these are also tested with students in a real life context in order to form an evidence based evaluation about their usability.
A student of the 8th grade of Rahumäe Basic School said: “Everything was perfect and I would certainly like to take part in such activities again!”
Contact: Terje Väljataga,

Research & Development

Educational innovation


EXU, Tallinn University

Narva maantee 25

10120 Tallinn, Estonia


EXU, Tallinna Ülikool

Narva maantee 25

10120 Tallinn, Eesti

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